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Pooolse rewards its users who can expand the user base of the platform. This is where the excellent Pooolse Affiliate Program comes in. All you need to do is register by clicking on the following link.
About the platform
Pooolse monitors the crypto market, various time frames, and performs trading transactions (you don't need to provide any trading parameters). Using Pooolse is simple and understandable, and you can track the daily yields in your Pooolse wallet every day.
The Pooolse project is nothing but an NFT project, but what is so special about it?
The value of Pooolse NFTs is entirely enhanced by the award-winning Tradensea engine set up by professional traders, through automatic trades with the amount of purchased NFTs until the value of the NFT reaches three times its value - the daily yield is paid out daily to Pooolse users.
A Pooolse kiváló megtakarítás diverzifikációs eszköz, ötvözve a rövid -, közép - és hosszútávú megtakarítás jellemzőit. Kiemelkedő hozamai eredményeként egy igazán attraktív alternatívát jelent a hagyományos megtakarítási instrumentumokkal szemben, amely segít az infláció okozta elértéktelenedéstől megvédeni pénzedet!